Tinkuy is a Quechua word that means a meeting of opposing forces that complement each other. A meeting of opposites and differences. A meeting point where different thoughts, interests, feelings and aspirations confront and converge, providing the resurgence of new ways of thinking and that are embodied in confrontational actions, in mobilizations that seek change. Tinkuy pattern is born from the analysis of different archaeological pieces of native cultures of the Andes, where the visual signs that are recorded on them are related to the concept of encounter. It is part of the research project Crónicas Visuales del Abya Yala by designer Vanessa A. Zúñiga Tinizaray. Digitized by Ale Paul, the Tinkuy Patterns system is divided into six files containing a total of more than 2650 modules that can be combined together creating an infinite range of possibilities.